For those that have had vaginal delivery and *elective* c-section, tell me the differences in recovery.
Important to note: this is for elective c-sections only. I know that emergency c-sections are generally a whole different ball game.
Backstory: I had a vaginal delivery with my first 4 years ago. I am now 34w4d and my baby is still breech. I feel his kicks verrry far down in my pelvis and despite me doing spinning babies for the last 2.5 weeks, there has been no sign of him flipping. I am DEATHLY afraid of having a c-section, mostly because of the recovery and what it means in case we want to have a third (having to commit to c-sections, having to wait longer between babies)
I bounced back so quickly after my vaginal delivery. It was great. I was up and at ‘em as soon as I got home from the hospital, hiking through our hilly neighborhood with so much ease. I lost all the baby weight (45 lbs) by 8 weeks postpartum.
Also now having a 4 year old tyrant running around our house, I can’t imagine being immobile and being told I can’t lift anything.
What do I need to know about a vaginal delivery vs a c-section. How long does recovery (losing baby weight, being active again, etc) really take?