Had to quit my Brazilian wax appointment at 20 weeks pregnant

I just want to vent because I feel so frustrated/sad!!

I was getting waxes regularly before I got pregnant, and right before I found out. I had my last one and it was definitely more painful than usual. But it wasn’t unbearable.

I didn’t go back because I attributed the pain the pregnancy once I found out. However, in the last week I’ve been feeling less sensitive down there during sex, so silly me thought an unexpected bonus of that very frustrating symptoms would be that a wax would be less painful again

Wrong. I am so embarrassed. I had to walk out of my appointment with only half of my vagina waxed because the pain was simply unbearable. It was truly the worst pain I ever felt and I had no idea how I was going to get through the appointment so I quit.

Please tell me that this will be normal again after pregnancy because right now it feels like just the worst thing in the world. I hate having stubbly hairs down there and I just wanted to be clean and I can’t even have that!!

Does anyone else relate? I feel so discouraged.

Edit: typos