Found the fix!
A few weeks ago I purchased a WEN 3600 from Lowes and it was a bear to start. It continually required starting spray and multiple pulls to start, with a few utterances thrown in for good measure. Once running, it was rough but operated well. Knowing it was brand new, I considered what could have been done at the time of manufacturing that could cause this. I researched for the OEM spark plug since the access port is too small for American hands to remove it. No research indicated what brand was factory installed and the manufacturer remained silent when I asked them. I ordered a mag socket, with an extension, and was able to remove it through the tiny port. My suspicions were proven to be correct - a Torch plug was the OEM! Not only that but it was not gapped appropriately! I threw the nasty plug away, installed the NGK plug and it now starts on the first pull and runs smoothly. Moral of the story, always check the OEM plug. I'm posting this because there is an uptick of newbs unfamiliar with generators and hoping that this can save them some hairpulling.