Working after immediately losing your home to the Eaton Fire
As the title reads, really curious to know for those who have lost their homes to the Eaton fire (homeowners & renters)....have you gone back to work? How has your workplace responded to your experience? Any companies being generous? What do you guys think is realistic time off that can be offered?
On my end, I only took 3 days off (the week of the fire) and have been working ever since. I was a renter and I feel fortunate that me and my partner somehow moved quickl. We now have a new apartment but honestly some time off would be nice.....
I know workplaces can't force you to take time off but my company has offered an emergency unpaid disaster leave. I would use it but it really isn't much time off (at most 4 days).
I know everyone's story is different - renters, homeowners, parents, small businesses owners...curious to know stories out there. What's your work life look like now...