Everyone should try cleaning their ears out thoroughly. Not joking.

This is probably gonna sound goofy asf and get downvoted, but I genuinely feel like this might help some people.

I recently had some annoying clogged feeling in my right ear. Obviously cue tips were not really helpful but I figured it was wax in there. Family member said he had similar issue and recommended this stuff called debrox ear drops. It comes in a little kit.

So, I used it as directed for about a week... You then take this little turkey baster type deal and use it to gently pump warm water into your ear after the drops kinda loosen the wax up.

Sorry if TMI, but holy fuck there was SO much wax in there. So much came out from it. Years worth for sure. I had no idea.

Afterwards I could hear so fucking insanely clearly compared to before. Like, it was crazy. I don't think I had been able to hear so clearly in years. It felt like I was almost hearing for the first time. And working on music it feels like I suddenly got some super power of superhuman hearing.

It's not like I was hard of hearing before, people always said I could hear things very well and pick up on sounds that others struggled to hear even before the debrox. I never struggled before with hearing anything really.

It's hard to put it into words but it seriously made a huge difference in what frequencies I was able to hear while mixing/mastering my music using ableton. I also treated the other ear that had no noticeable issue and it was also just vastly better.

So I suggested gf with no hearing issues try it because it just felt so good to be able to hear so clearly all the sudden. She did it and had similar results. Just so much more crystal clear than before the stuff.

Anyways, I just thought I'd share because even though I never had issues with hearing, this stuff made a vast difference and I didn't even realize what I was missing. I recommend anyone to try that medicine tbh because everyone I know who tried it had wax in there that got flushed out and they all experienced the same where they just felt like they had extremely clear hearing after doing that. Idk maybe this is some dumb advice but I feel like everyone should try it especially if you are doing a career that needs good hearing.

Just wanted to share