My girlfriend passed away
Hi there to anyone who sees. I'm completely lost, I'm sad and I'm mad. We were planning our future together and it all came crumbling to a halt when I found out she relapsed and became unresponsive. I've spent the last 2 days grieving, probably the most traumatic thing to happen to be right beside my mother also passing away back in late 2020 December. So the two most meaningful people in my life are gone now... in my current living situation, I have a limited of time to get out on my own, and no one also seems to care that I'm grieving. I don't know what to do, every facet of my life is going to shit and I have what feels like very little control of anything. I'm broke taking care of everyone else, no one takes care of me. It's in the middle of winter, all I can think to myself is if I end up on the street maybe that's my ticket to seeing her again. I just want to be surrounded by people who really love and see me. Rest in peace babygirl 😢😞💔💕 every second without you feels like a lifetime.. I'm making this post because I'm losing hope..