Looking for oil refinery jobs near San Antonio with good pay/good company

I’m new to this so I may sound like an idiot to most, but the only working experience I have is with a company called Heb warehouse order selector is what I was mainly doing, For six years of consistent work and I to be honest I’m irritated of working and the way I work when I feel like I deserve more. I don’t care if I get dirty, but at the same time not full of gunk lol but if the paycheck talks, I’ll do it I did see a “Rivers water” location with Valero application “operations trainee” position pop-up and now it’s off the web, I don’t know if I should wait for it to pop up again and apply or look for something else again.

I’m interested in putting in the work because I want to pay off most of my debt and make it easier for myself in the future

If any of you have some advice and fill me in on what y’all do and what’s a good company to work for let me know. I’m just trying to make sure i want make more than my $22 hour rate, thanks 🙏.