Cyraxx using tophia situation for sympathy 🤦‍♂️

(I know this isn't really tophiachu related but I thought I should still post it)

I hate this little fucking pedo goblin he's done this many times before so I'm not surprised he'll do the same and pretend to care and know tophias family he's trying to use her tragedy situation for his use by trying to get people to sign a petition to end trolling like that was the cause of this 🙄 idk what goes on in his mine but if ya don't know chance I heard a lot people was comparing brotherchu to him that's how I got into this whole tophia lore it's pathetic and just disgusting buts that kinda of chance Wilkins ( Cyraxx) memo

(I know this isn't really tophiachu related but I thought I should still post it)

I hate this little fucking pedo goblin he's done this many times before so I'm not surprised he'll do the same and pretend to care and know tophias family he's trying to use her tragedy situation for his use by trying to get people to sign a petition to end trolling like that was the cause of this 🙄 idk what goes on in his mine but if ya don't know chance I heard a lot people was comparing brotherchu to him that's how I got into this whole tophia lore it's pathetic and just disgusting buts that kinda of chance Wilkins ( Cyraxx) memo