Empathy goes along way
It’s really tough to see people getting upset about Tophia talking about donations. The truth is, some have been looking for a reason to be mad at her since the shooting, and now they’ve found one. If you don’t want to donate, that’s totally fine, just don’t. There’s no need to make it more complicated than it is.
I completely understand why some people might feel hesitant to donate because of her past with mismanaging funds, and that’s a valid concern. If that’s how you feel, there are other ways you can still show support. You can find out what funeral home the services will be at or contribute to the GoFundMe created by Donald Junior’s friends. There are plenty of ways to help if you feel moved to do so, and it’s important to be honest with yourself about what you’re comfortable with. Just remember, this is a really tough time for a lot of people, and kindness can go a long way.
Also, for those upset about Tophia not talking about her mother, Marie; Please keep in mind that Tophia was actually advised not to discuss her well-being in a now-deleted Instagram story. So, it’s not that she’s avoiding it; she’s just respecting advice given to her in a delicate situation. Let’s not make things harder for her by misinterpreting her choices.