What Kind Of Dragons Do You Have?
- Are they animalistic or sapient?
- Do they have different breath abilities or just fire?
- Are they magic or mundane?
Some Dragons I have are Erimos Dragon, Mirror Dragon, & Deep Dragons.
Erimos Dragons dwell in deserts, can't fly but make their abodes deep underground as a bunch of large chambers as it has no need for tunnels, their Sand Breath works through absorbing, storing, and sending it out as shredding sand blasts.
Mirror Dragons dwell in deserts and coastal areas, can absorb sand but also heats it into glass that it can use for many purposes. Its glass can be fired as a volley of dense glass shards, and can be used to make glass surfaces around areas. Mortals thought it was merely for decorating and a symbol of claiming territory and while that's true Mirror Dragons can use it's glass formations to see through and spy on others as well as use them as a network of portals. Its glass is super strong and only gets harder as it grows once ancient it makes glass harder than tungsten.
Deep Dragons are colossal serpentine dragons that dwell deep in the oceans. Their scales are more like a dense segmented exoskeleton, it can see well in the deep waters and sense the slightest vibration in the waves. Its breath is based on whats always around it as it absorbs, stockpiles, and fires forceful jets of water. Rather than use it for a mere blast it using this water expulsion with versatility as it sends cones of forceful bludgeoning water, narrow streams of water capable of cutting metal, the body of a deep dragon has many holes to use water jets around swarms of prey and surge through the water with immense speed.