My wife just got me a pen and I’m vibrating with excitement. Gonna be watching the mail like a hawk!
No big deal at all 🤯 💀
Gotta love a close fit!
What's on your lathe this weekend?
The Snow Queen (FP)
The Snow Queen Fountain Pen
Just finished a small, leather coin purse with pyrography artwork
My first pen! (Black walnut slimline)
So cute🥰
The pen blank turned, sanded, and polished
This weekend I completed 2 kitless pens. I need to remake a section for one of them but overall pretty happy with how they turned out. That’s are my 2nd and third attempt at kitless.
Easy DIY Internal Polishing Tools
My pen a day for a year challenge is almost caught up. I am still 2 shy but will be caught up tomorrow.
Ink, pen, and paper test
Latest Hand-painted FP with custom nib grind and custom feed.
Retrograde in Chaos Magic - FINALLY got it finished.
Just the clips left, finally.
When that seam disappears
Hello! First post! Wanted to share some of my recent work :)
When the seam (almost)disappears
Exploding pen blank
Is it true that people with a planet conjunct the Ascendant (especially an applying conjunction to the Ascendant) are the living embodiment/ living Avatar of that planet?
Most recent kitless fountain pen
My first fountain pen.
Look what my girlfriend got me for Christmas! 🎁🥰