Type "I'm not a big fan of" and let your keyboard finish (gif unrelated)
Phrases that make introverts panic??
Best B name for a male puppy (sibling is Bernie)
If everyone was naked all the time, what would be the result?
If you had to name your pet after the last thing you ate, what would it be?
Tell me
My dad works at an elementary school and found this in the hallway:
How many people with your parents first names did you go to school with?
What are the great but underrated rock bands according to you?
What is the worst advice you can give someone going through depression?
What other people your age have,but you don't have?
How do you want to die?
Check marks
am I a real lefty?
What’s a societal norm that you feel uncomfortable with or that you believe is harmful?
Do you think you’re intelligent? Why or why not?
Help a trans man find his name
Do you think you’re attractive? Why or why not?
How did you meet your girlfriend / boyfriend?
The checklist of sins I had to fill out for Confession
Why is everyone always so surprised when your a leftie like its a special talent?
What are you proud of
What's a food that other people love but you hate?
What brought you to Reddit?
What sucked as a child but is awesome as an adult?