Save the crocs
Post 5678 of why sacro sucks
My Feraligatr skin
Are people going nuts?
Does gentle elder block wing shredder?
Sarcosiris story time: am I the jerk?
How many angel creatures are in the game?
So how do you guys feel about the new creatures coming to the game the (Taburuun)
name something more useless in CoS, I'll wait
Your favourite creatures Base if l let you in
Like my Shadow cosplay?
The hardest choices requires the strongest wills
Would someone spin the achievement gacha for me if i give them the required price?
Grind more or buy?
Im abt to crash out
Brotha part 2
This guy needs a home
POV: Your Main Died
How much are these worth?
Everyone hates me what did I do😭
How much would a Bite + Damage Miju be worth?
What do y'all think?
are there any Faecalu fans or I am the only one?
WHAT DO YOU MEAN " :( " ?!?!?
Any idea how much this slot can be sold for?