What would you do to solo learn piano
The only two jokes in the campaign 😂
Anyone who can’t read sheet music but plays piano anyway?
Veneer on top of solid wood?
Disabled Iraq War Veteran Eric Rodriguez isn’t mincing words
Help with a docking station.
Nifty antique, but strange…
Vance skiing today went exactly how you’d expect…poorly
Lifelong Star Wars fan, not a big gamer. Is this worth it?
Pilot XP
Maybe coming back!
The Corsair’s Beak…
Looking for input from fellow vets.
/furniture mods think the LA Wildfires are a good opportunity to look intellectually superior to the victims.
Where to buy furniture after the fires?
Where to buy furniture?
Airbnb Credit: Things to Know
Success with Airbnb/211LA
Need help with monitor power cord.
Power cord replacement.
Power cable question.
Master the Fight question.
Did the tank nerfs achieve their goals?
Is stealth really an issue?
FFS, mute your mics