Should I enroll my kids back into school….?
Weekly Snark 3/10-3/16
Found this for $4.99 and it called to me
Fantasy books for 6 year old
Thoughts on Abeka?
Lack of Black homeschool community
Tonies or Yoto for 3 year old to learn English
Largest homeschool convention is in Ohio next month, who is going?
What is your Pittsburgh Confession?
Looking for suggestions for where I can donate small amounts of medical supplies.
Shopped today. What does my fridge say about me?
Weekly Snark 2/24-3/2
AITAH for not holding my wife's hand during labor?
What does my fridge tell you about me?
What does my fridge say about me?
Gluten free spots near IKEA?
Ukraine support
Student Sues High School Insisting She Can't Read or Write Despite Graduating With Honors: 'I Didn't Understand Anything'
Unsure if I qualify for Austrian Passport
I can’t homeschool
Vacation destinations less than 5hrs. away WITH kids??
On the fence about homeschooling
Critical Thinking