I want a Leopardo
Hey I haven't played dince december 2023 what should I know
What's Stuck in Your Head Today?
How to unlock more aircraft faster?
I miss Polska so much
Shortest tech trees to grind?
Connecting Hitler to Ye
Kendrick lines that made you do a double take when you first heard them?
i need to actually have a rant with one side of the community.
What’s Kdot’s most majestic song?
Textbook reversals never get old
GNX review (Ik I’m late)
How it feel to get access to F-2A 3 months before release
What’s the best and worst moments in GKMC
This method of removing oil residue
Good news for those who play Fortnite
New “Sit Down, Be Humble” Bundle; new Kendrick Lamar emote coming soon with “Humble” Jam Track (via: iFireMonkey)
Dear Aeronautical Engineers of War Thunder: How Does the Air-to-Ground Loadout Induce Less Parasitic Drag and Reduce the Plane's Speed Less than the Air-to-Air Loadout
Wings? Never heard of it. -> Part 3
What do polish people think of southern europeans?
40 acres and a mule
The power of, TTWWWOOO-
Favorite song on this 3 Dot albums
What's your favorite song on each Kendrick album you've listened to.
Day by day, I find less enjoyment in WT... Update after update, the game keeps getting worse.